Well-being Mentoring with David and Paula
A sense of health and vitality that arises from your thoughts, emotions, actions, and experiences. When we have well-being, we feel happy, healthy, socially connected, and purposeful.
Each of us has the power to choose, moment by moment, who and how we want to be in the world. We have the capacity to live our best possible life; a life of purpose, value and meaning, and perhaps most importantly, a life of joy, of compassion and love. Yoga and Ayurveda together make up a comprehensive science which provides us with the understanding and skills that make this possible. We humans are complex beings. To live as well as we can, we must be cognisant of and able to care for our bodies, our emotions, our intellect, and our spirit. David and Paula have been utilising these skills for decades. They are uniquely placed, as they combine a deep personal knowledge of the traditional practices of Yoga and Ayurveda, with the latest science. physiology and psychology in their Well-being Mentoring Programmes.

Our Mentoring Programmes
One-to-One Well-Being Mentoring
On a personal mentoring programme, you will work with David and/or Paula over a number of sessions (1) to discover what areas of your life are not serving your needs sufficiently, (2) to learn to let go of habits/patterns that are not consistent with who and how you wish to be, and (3) to cultivate the tools and practice habits that give you the freedom to live as the best and happiest version of yourself.
Corporate and Group Well-Being Mentoring
We have worked with large corporate clients, both internationally and within Ireland and are happy to design a programme with you to meet your needs and those of your team(s).
The transformative power of Well-Being Mentoring
We all lead hectic, busy lives and irrespective of our age, career stage or family life, no one is immune from pressure and stress. The physiological and psychological toll that stress can have on us is immense. It can lead to serious illness if left unchecked. It also impacts our relationships, both personal and professional, our self-esteem, our joy in life. We believe it is the birth-right of each and every one of us to live healthily and happily. This is not something we are educated to be able to do, but our well-being Mentoring Programme can help you cultivate the necessary skills, understanding and self-awareness to do just that. When you choose to live the best version of yourself, the clearest, most compassionate, the healthiest and happiest 'You' you can be, not only will you feel more fulfilled and joyful. but you will make the greatest contribution you can to your families, your communities, and society in general. The world needs conscious and compassionate people, who by virtue of choosing to live balanced, healthy and happy, project more peace into the world. Lord knows the world needs it. We can change the world by changing ourselves.